Holy moly! It has been a long time since I posted last. I'm really bad at that. I don't post forever and then I have like three months to catch up on.
These are just some random pics of what we have been up to the last little while. Payslie, as you can see is getting so big so fast. She has 5 almost 6 teeth now. She is trying to walk on her own, the most steps as of today she's taken by herself is 9. It will be so soon now that she will just take off! She gets into EVERYTHING!!! I don't know if I want her walking yet :) She finds it so fun to clear things off of every surface she can reach or every bag she can empty and spread everything all over the floor. Her favorite words to say are; "kitty", "whoosat" (who's that), "dada" and a lot of other jibberish words. She waves and blows kisses too! Her fits and her attitude are also getting bigger, she is quite the little sass. She does not like when we tell her "no" but will test her limits and see how much she can get away with before you come and get her....oh how I love our little stinker!